Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Prop 100

I know the old adage is that government officials, when funding issues arise, always decry what will happen to education, public safety and transportation. While I don’t generally disagree that many times it is more bark than bite I do know that if Prop 100 fails next week many agencies will indeed have severe cuts to these services.

The most recent example is from the Republic today, where the head of DPS states, “ability to quickly respond to accidents and disabled motorist calls would be significantly affected.” Now as an AZ voter you can pick your side on Prop 100 but I’m inclined to think that much of the “bark” from local and state agencies may well be “bite” as well.


  1. You know I honestly must admit the I'm still undecided on Prop 100. I understand the ramifications but I'm not sure that its solving anything. I kind look at it a as a band-aid fix that takes the responsibility off of the hands of state legislatures. I find your quote from the head of DPS interesting because just today I read how a father and son died in an accident off of I-17. The father called 911 and the call as I understand it was referred to DPS but DPS never searched for them until Chandler PD requested the use of a helicopter.

  2. To approach Prop 100 we need to do some home work ! then it makes everything easy..anyways thanks for sharing this with me! Plan then work and work the plan!

    Intern CV
