Today the state's House Committee on Military Affairs and Public Safety passed SB 1014 which would allow Arizona teachers to carry a concealed weapon on campus as long as they have a conceal and carry permit.
In one of my classes this semester this issue was brought up in a group I was assigned to. This really seemed to be an issue where there is little to any compromise: it seems people are either for it or against it and will not budge their opinion. Perhaps the reason for such a dichotomy in opinion is best expressed in the arguments on both sides.
On the side for allowing guns on campus they believe that if a Virginia Tech style shooting is to occur at least professors with a gun could act as first responders and potentially stop a gunman early in his (or in theory her) rampage, thus limiting the extent of the violence. Also, and less possible to evaluate is that if it is known that professors may be carrying weapons gunman may be deterred from attacking a campus.
On the side of those who are against allowing weapons, aside from a general distrust of guns, is the issue that professors carrying weapons could drastically complicate public safety officer's ability to keep order in the event of a shooting. It may be difficult for officers to discern the good guys from the bad, and unintended injuries or deaths may occur. They additionally would not be swayed by the argument that gun carrying profs would deter crazed gunmen from opening fire on campus.
This should be an interesting bill to follow through the legislative process.
Yesterday at the Senate, Harper wore around an empty holster to make a point.